Amonatov Farrukh (TJK) - Tseshkovsky Vitaly (RUS)
Moscow Open 2009
Round 4
1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 a6 4. Ba4 Nf6 5. O-O Be7 6. Re1 b5 7. Bb3 O-O 8. c3 d6 On the previous move Black "have threatened" with application of sharp Marshall counterattack (8.с3 d5), and White, in turn, have shown readiness to go on a basic way. "Having checked up" the opponent, Black decide to direct a game to a strategic line. 9. h3 Nd7 10. d4 Bf6

The similar regrouping of Black figures in the centre was applied still by M.Chigorin, and in the given position it has been entered into practice by V.Smyslovym (in the game against M.Judovich (Moscow, 1943). Black has an idea to to strengthen point е5 and to influence a pawn d4, that complicates standard maneuver Nb1-d2-f1. 11. Be3 Preparing Nd2. Another popular line is 11.а4. 11... Na5 Knight" maneuver opens before Black possibility to influence on the centre by c7-c5. 12. Bc2 Nc4 13. Bc1

13... c5 Black cause centre ossification (after d4-d5) and receive strong, but, nevertheless, a little passive position. More dynamical continuation represents 13... Bb7 that on d4-d5 to have c7-c6. For example: 14.b3 Ncb6 15.Be3 Re8 16.d5 Be7!, and having protected a pawn d6, black wants to undermine the centre from two sides - c7-c6 and f7-f5. 14. b3 Ncb6 15. d5 a5 16. a4 b4
["Active" 16... ba 17. ba c4 18. Ba3 , with the subsequent Be3 and Nd2, would only lead to creation weaknesses on Queen side.]
17. c4

Position in the centre and on Queen side is completely closed and the main events move on King side. Position in the centre and on Queen side is completely closed and the main events move on King side. In forthcoming struggle White, thanks to a strong pawn d5, will be more active. 17... g6 18. Nbd2 Bg7 19. Nf1 Nf6 20. Ng3 Kh8 21. Nh2 Nbd7 22. Bg5 h6 23. Be3 Ng8 24. Ra2 Ra7 25. Bb1 Bf6 Truing to change Bishops by Bf6-g5. 26. Nf3 Re8 27. Qc1 Kg7 28. Rf1 Qe7 29. Re2 Nf8 30. Nh2 Bg5

31. f4 ef 32. Bf4 Bf4 33. Qf4

Rather instructive situation. Black seems to go well - have achieved favourable exchange of Bishops and have left the opponent with a "stupid" one. And still, the initiative remains on the White side. After opening the game they put unpleasant pressure upon a position of the Black king, weakened by absence of a Bishop g7. 33... Nd7 34. Ref2 Ne5 35. Nf3 Nf3 36. Rf3 Qe5 37. Qd2 Rae7 38. Qf2 f6 39. Ne2 Kh7 40. Nf4 Rg7

At this moment each of opponents remains about 5 minutes to a game end. 41. Rg3 Bd7 42. Bc2 Rc8 43. Nd3 Qe7 44. Qf3 Re8 45. Qf2 Rc8 46. Rf3 Kh8 47. Nf4 Qe5 48. Nd3 Qe7 49. Bb1 Kh7 50. Kh1 Be8 51. Nf4 Bd7

52. Rg3 Qe5 53. Nd3 Qe7 54. Bc2 Be8 55. Nf4 Qe5 56. Ne6 Re7 57. Nf4 Rg7 58. Re1 Bd7 59. Nd3 Qe7 60. Bb1 Rf8 61. Rf3 Rc8 62. Rf1 Kh8 63. Kg1 Kh7

64. Rf6!? Nf6 65. Qf6 Qe4 66. Qd6 Qd4 67. Kh2 Bf5

68. Rf5? An effective sacrifices, unfortunately for White, encounters an unexpected refutation. [Should have played 68. Nf4 Bb1 (68... Re8? 69. Nh5! Rf7 70. Rf5 gf 71. Bf5 Rf5 72. Qd7 Kg6 73. Qe8 Kh7 74. Qd7 Kg6 75. Qe6 Kg5 76. Ng3+-) 69. Rb1]
68... gf 69. Nf4

69... Rf8!! 70. Bd3 Rff7 71. Bc2 Qf2 72. Bd3 Qg3 73. Kg1 Qe3 74. Kh2

74... Rg2! 75. Ng2
[75. Kg2 Rg7-+]
75... Qd3 76. Qc5 f4 77. Nf4 Qf3 78. Ng2 Rg7 79. Qg1 Qg3 80. Kh1 Qb3 81. Qf2 Qh3 82. Kg1 b3 83. d6 Qd3 84. c5 Qc2 85. c6 Qf2 86. Kf2 b2 87. c7 b1Q 88. c8Q Qb2 89. Ke3 Qg2 [0:1]
February 04, 2009
GM Alexander Kalinin