Kurnosov Igor, 2602 (RUS) - Dvalishvili Pavel, 2480 (RUS)
Moscow Open 2009
Round 5
1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 e6 3. d4 cd 4. Nd4 a6 Black choose Paulsen variation - one of the most flexible lines in Sicilian defense. The lack of the system is a delay with the pieces development that gives White a wide choice of attacking constructions. 5. Bd3

5... Qc7 6. O-O d6 7. c4 Nd7 8. Nc3 Ngf6

Another perspective arrangement for White is connected with a plan b2-b3, Bb2, Kh1, Qe2, f2-f4 which is possible to do in a various order. In the game White begin with the most aggressive move which appears very suitable after a the Black"s remark. 9. f4 g6 More reliable seems 9...Be7 (certainly, 9...Qb6 10.Be3 is not serious, since the capture of a pawn b2 leads to big backwardness in Black development). The move in the text (quite possible, for example, after 9.Qe2 g6 10.f4 Bg7) in the given situation appears too risky.

10. f5! White are mobilised better and immediately start a fight. Unexpectedly Black have got difficulties because of Nf6. 10... ef After 10...ะต5 (10...gf 11.ef e5 12.Ne6!) 11.Nc2 (possible 11.Ne6 fe 12.fe Bg7 13.ed+ B:d7 14.Be3), white is much better. 11. ef Bg7

12. fg
[This position already happened in the game Smirnov-Dvalishvili, Moscow open 2009: 12. Qe2 Ne5 13. Kh1 O-O 14. Bg5 Qb6 15. Rf4 Nh5 16. Rh4 Nd3 17. Qd3 , and here playing 17... Qb2 (instead of 17... Bd4 18. Rd4 Bf5 19. Qd2 white is better) 18. Rf1 (18. Rb1 Bf5! , but 18...Qa3? 19.R:h5! gh 20.f6+-) 18... Bf5 19. Nf5 Qc3 , black is better]
12... hg

13. Bg6! fg 14. Ne6 Qc4
[14... Qb6 15. c5 dc (15... Nc5 16. Ng7 Kf7 17. Nd5+-) 16. Nd5! (16. Ng7 Kf7) 16... Qe6 17. Nc7 Kf7 18. Ne6 Ke6 19. Qc2 Kf7 20. Qc4 Kf8 21. Bf4 +-]

15. Nd5! The core of idea. 15.Q:d6 Qc6 or 15.N:g7+ Kf7 are not so good. 15... Nd5
[15... Kf7 16. b3 (16. Ng5 Kf8 17. b3 Qb5 18. Bb2 Rh4 19. Bf6) 16... Qc6 (16... Qh4 17. Ng5 Kf8 18. Bf4+-) 17. Ng5 Kf8 18. Bb2+-]
16. Ng7 Ke7
[Escape 16... Kd8 did not help - 17. Bg5 Kc7 18. Rc1+-]
17. Bg5

17... N5f6
[17... N7f6 18. Rc1 Bg4 19. Rc4 Bd1 20. Rf6! Nf6 21. Rc7 Kf8 22. Ne6 Ke8 23. Bf6, with an inevitable mate.]
18. Rc1 Qb5
[18... Qf7 19. Rc7 Qg7 20. Bf6 Qf6 21. Rf6 Kf6 22. Qd4 Ne5 23. Qd6 Kf5 24. Re7+-]

19. Qg4 Solving strengthening. It is obvious, that despite an additional piece, the demobilised Black army can not organise any resistance. 19... Qb6
[Or 19... Kf7 20. Qe6 Kg7 21. Bf6 Nf6 22. Qf6 Kh7 23. Rc7 Bd7 24. Rf4+-]
20. Kh1 d5
[Does not save 20... Kf7 because 21. Qe6 Kg7 22. Rf6+-]

21. Qg3 Threatening 22.B:f6+ N:f6 23.Qe5+ Kf7 24.R:f6+ Q:f6 25.Rc7+ +- 21... Rf8
[21... Kf7 22. Bf6 Nf6 23. Rc7 Kg8 24. Ne6!+-]
22. Qh4 White threats on open verticals and diagonals. 22... Qb2
[22... Ne5 23. Rce1 Qd6 24. Qd4+-;
22... Nc5 23. Be3+-;
22... Kf7 23. Qh7+-]
23. Rce1 Kd6 24. Qg3 Kc6 25. Ne6

February 05, 2009
GM Alexander Kalinin