27th of January 2009
Record number of participants take part in Moscow Open 2009
On 27th of January the press conference devoted to opening of fifth anniversary international chess festival Moscow Open 2009 has taken place in ITAR-TASS news agency. The head of the State enterprise of sport and spectator events of Moscow city department of physical and sport Alexander Polinsky, the vice-president of Moscow chess federation, the director of tournament Alexander Kostev, the first pro-rector of the Russian state social university (RSSU) Oleg Shatrov, the chief executive of the Russian chess federation Alexander Bach have taken part in press conference.
A.G. Polinsky has noticed that the Moscow Government participates in preparation of festival for the third time. He expressed thanks to RSSU, which traditionally supports festival, and has informed that record number of participants take part in Moscow Open 2009 this year – 1502 persons.
O.N. Shatrov has told that RSSU is a high school of a social profile, and development of chess for experts of social structure is the important direction. At university there is a chair of chess game pedagogy, the international chess school recently has been created.
1502 chess players, including more than 100 GM from Russia, China, Armenia and other countries will perform on Moscow Open 2009. It is record number of participants for this tournament. 1240 chess players from all Russia and abroad had taken part in it last year.
The prize fund of tournament is formed by RSSU off-budget cash assets. This year the prize fund will up to 7 million rubles. Despite economic crisis, all obligations by university will be executed. RSSU is the reliable partner.
A.G.Bach also has congratulated record audience with opening of anniversary festival and has underlined that the Russian chess federation is ready to help and support this tournament in further.
А.N. Kostev has told that the festival will have very sated program this year. Besides traditional tournaments "A", "B", "C" ("A" – man's tournament where the strongest chess players play, "B" – for chess players with low qualification, "C" – female tournament), additional competitions are entered: tournaments of school teams, tournaments of schools champions, the World Cup under the decision of chess compositions, the Cup of high schools. With the support of the World Chess Federation (FIDE) also for the first time in our country will take place scientifically-practical conference «Chess in an education system of Russia and the world» with participation of foreign experts. One more innovation within the limits of festival is course for judges. Participants of this course will appropriate a rank of FIDE arbitrator. Also it will take place a tournament of the Japanese chess, tournament of computer programs.
More than 100 GM have already confirmed the participation in festival. At festival Alexey Dreev, the three-time Olympic champion as a part of Russian team, Sergey Tiviakov from Holland the champion of Europe, Gabriel Sargissian the double Olympic champion as a part of Armenian team, Russian Artyom Timofeev, the winners of chess tournament 2008 and Anna Muzychuk from Slovenia the sixth number of the world female rating-list will perform on Festival.
Festival is an important event, not only in Moscow, but also in the Russian chess. This tournament is the fifth, anniversary, and further it can quite apply for inclusion in a competitions calendar of the Ministry of tourism, sports and the youth policy.