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International Research Conference
Chess in the Russian and world educational system

Russian State Social University (RSSU), February 1-3, 2009

During the International “Moscow Open 2009” festival that takes place at Russian State Social University, the International Research Conference “Chess in the Russian and world educational system” was held at the same place and time. Among the participants of the conference were professor Uvencio Blanco (VEN), FIDE “Chess in School” Committee Chairman; Elisabeta Polihroniade (ROM), FIDE honorary member; professor N. Weisman (ISR); professor Fornal-Urban (POL); Boris Hristov (BUL), president of the National Children Chess Foundation “Morsko Konche”; GM Yuri Razuvaev ,Chairman of the FIDE Trainers Committee; I. Suhin, doctor of education sciences (the Head of development of chess overall education WEB projects); Galina Kovaleva, CEO of Internet Chess Mastership Center of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous District; Boris Shaidullin, CEO of the Tomsk Chess Academy; Alexander Kostyev, Head of Chess Chair; A. Timofeev, a Doctor of economic sciences; E. Umanskaya, a vice-principal of Moscow school № 758; V. Martinov (KOLOMNA), a teacher of extended education; Yurij Remizov (Chita), a chess Coach and other teachers and experts.

The participants of International Research conference “Chess in the Russian and world educational system” have discussed the problem of including “Chess”, as a subject, in School Essential Program. It is supposed that chess will be a powerful tool for children. Therefore some practical recommendation has been made already.

Experience has shown that bringing chess lessons in International schools (Venezuela, Spain, the USA, Canada, Sweden, China, Slovenia, India and others) and Russian schools (Republic of Kalmykia, Republic of Sakha, the Tomsk and Pskov Regions, Khanty-Mansiisk autonomous district, Moscow and other Russian regions) allows to skyrocket the level of children logical reasoning, forces children make decision by themselves, develops ability to study and to make actions “in mind”. Finally these upsides increase children’ school educational progress in basic essential school program. This step is to be necessary now because lots of countries show their discontent with the educational system. Also a search of new educational subjects is capable to make the quality of education grow up.

On the basis of the above-mentioned, the CONFERENCE APPLIES FOR REQUEST:

To the World Chess Federation (FIDE):
1. to consider the president of FIDE, K. Ilyumzhinov’s initiatives about invasion of “Chess” subject in School Essential Program as guide to action of national committees “Chess in school”.
2. To hold in 2010, during XXXIX Olimpic Games, International Congress concerning Chess Education problems

To Russian Federation Government:
1. to innovate in the state classifier a new post called “first grade chess teacher”

2. to assign the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation to work out educational standard of  “Chess” subject within Federal state educational standard of new generation education.

To the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation:
1. To consider “Chess” subject as instrument for education system modernization.
2. To allow “Chess” subject teaching in Russian schools within the general educational program in the first half of the day (as a subject at the choice of children)
3. To recommend for distribution the experience of RSSU creation of the chess chair, which trains chess teachers-organizers for work in schools and children clubs.

To Russian Chess Federation:
1. To work out the training conception for teachers of schools on the basis of extended education system with the help of distance methods of teachers training. 
2. To ask region executive authorities, interested in chess education system creation and development, to hold in 2009-2010 regional conferences on chess education using the materials of the science practical conferences held in Tomsk (2008) and Moscow (2009).

Request is accepted unanimously on February 3, 2009

This request is forwarded to the President of the World Chess Federation,
the Minister of Education and Science of RF,
the President of the Russian Chess Federation.