Press-release №3
January, 31
Morning fights of the first day
The young chess players and solvers show started the international festival Moscow Open 2009 on Saturday morning.
Champion’s of comprehensive schools tournament is a selection to the World championship among pupils which will take place in Greece in April-May. 606 persons who are separated on some age subgroups (boys take part in this tournament and girls compete separately): till 9 years, 11 years, 13 years, 15 years, 17 years. Young chess players not only from Russia, but also from Ukraine, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Kirghizia, Tajikistan have arrived to Moscow. Champions tournament of schools has spent since 1999, in 2005 it was included into the program of festival Moscow Open. Competition will take place within 8 days and will come to the end on February, 7th.
The World Cup on solvers show is spent for the first time within festival Moscow Open. 26 participants from 5 countries take part in tournament. There are George Yevseyev GM of solvers show, multiple World champion, Russian Alexander Azhusin the international GM of solvers show, Bojan Vuchkovich from Serbia. The MM Evgeniya Chasovnikova from Russia is the one girl participated in a cup. Within two days will take place 4 rounds of competitions, in each of them participants should solve 6 compositions. After the first round Yevseyev got the leadership. He has 30 points from 30 possible. According to the main judge of the Cup, the Honorable president of the Russian chess federation, the Vice-president of the World chess federation Andrei Selivanov, the Cup has collected quite strong line-up and tournament is to become traditional.
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