Timofeev Artem, 2671 (RUS) – Smirnov Pavel, 2579 (RUS)
Moscow Open 2009
Round 6
1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. d4 cd 4. Nd4 Nf6 5. Nc3 e5 6. Ndb5 d6 7. Bg5 a6 8. Na3 b5 9. Nd5 Be7 10. Bf6 Bf6
11. c4 This continuation already met on tournament Moscow open 2009, successfully for White.
[Not long ago 11. c3 O-O 12. Nc2 Bg5 13. a4 ba 14. Ra4 was popular.]
White aspire to cause b5-b4, that will lead to stabilization on queen side and will strengthen White control white over d5.
11... b4 12. Nc2

12... O-O
[Nepomniaschy – Krapivin at the 4nd round went on 12... Rb8 13. b3 O-O 14. h4 Be6 15. g3 Be7 16. Qd2 Qd7 17. Bg2 Bd8 18. O-O Bd5 19. cd Ne7 20. Nb4 Ba5 21. a3 f5 22. Bh3 Qe8 23. Qe2 Bb4 24. ab Rb4 25. ef Nd5 26. Ra6 Rd4 27. Rfa1 , White is much better;
Amonatov - Zinchenko: 12... a5 13. g3 O-O 14. h4 Be6 15. Bh3 a4!? (Shirov) 16. Be6 fe 17. Ndb4 Nb4 18. Nb4 Qb6 19. Qd2 Be7 20. a3 Rf3 21. c5! (21. Nd5? (21.0-0? Rg3+) 21... ed 22. Qd5 Kh8 23. Qa8 Rf8°; Nisepianu - Shirov 21. Rf1 Raf8 с with initiative) 21... Qc5 22. Rc1 Qb5 23. Qe2 Qe2 24. Ke2 Raf8 25. Rhf1 d5 26. Nc6 Bd6 27. Rcd1 Rb3 28. Rd2 Rc8 29. Rc1 Kf8 30. Rcc2 white is better.
13. Be2
[Immediate 13. Ncb4 is not good because of 13... Nb4 14. Nb4 Qb6]
13... a5 14. O-O Bg5 15. Qd3 Be6

16. Rfd1
[Usually White had queen rook on d1, leaving another one on f1 for "imitation" of possibility f2-f4 advancement. Asrian – Ni Hua (Taivan, 2006) Black had a good position after 16. Rad1 Bd5 17. cd Nb8 18. Bg4 Na6 and Nc5.]
16... Bd5 There is no need to hurry up with an exchange of Nd5, having made, for example, a useful move 16...Rb8. Further they are planning to prepare Nc6-e7 with an exchange of Nd5, but already with preservation an important Bishop. 17. cd Nb8

18. Ne3 Nd7 19. Rac1 Nc5

20. Rc5! The only move to struggle for initiative. 20... Be3 Разумеется, черные не хотят допускать после 20...dc 21.Nc4 сохранения у белых мощного блокадного коня при своем беспомощном чернопольном слоне. 21. Qe3! Блестяще! Белые готовы пойти на позицию без качества даже тогда, когда у них отсутствует конь, а у черных "плохой" слон! 21... dc

22. d6! After 22.Q:c5 Rc8 Black could had time to block a white pawn on d5. Now the white pawn is ready to slip to d7, that will decrease efficiency of black Rooks and activate a white Bishop. 22... Qb6 23. Bc4 Preparing Qd3 and Bb5. 23... Rad8 24. Qd3 Immediate 24.d7 with the subsequent Qd3 also was possible. That could led to a position, similar happened in the game, but eliminated additional possibility for Black on the following move. 24... Kh8
[After 24... Rd7 White would have had to support pd6: 25. f4 (25. Bb5 c4 26. Qd5 Rd6) 25... ef 26. e5]

25. h4 White starts to loosen King side of the opponent. 25... Rd7 26. Bb5 c4 27. Qd5 Rdd8 The capture of pd6 is impossible now because of R on f8. 28. Qe5 c3 29. bc f6
[After 29... bc 30. d7 c2 31. Rc1 Black loses pс2.]
30. Qd5 bc 31. d7

Black resources are completely paralyzed. Their further attempts to receive a contrplay appear ineffectual. 31... a4 32. Ba4 Qb2 33. Qc4 Rb8 34. g3 Rfd8 35. Bb3 Ra8 36. h5 with an idea h5-h6. 36... h6 37. Kg2 Rf8 38. Rd3 Rad8

39. Qc5! Preparing inevitable Qf8. 39... Qe2
[39... Kh7 40. Rc3+-]
40. Qf8 Rf8 41. d8Q Qe4 42. Kh2 [...]
[42... Rd8 43. Rd8 Kh7 44. Bg8 Kh8 45. Bd5+-]
February 06, 2009
GM Alexander Kalinin